Home Uncategorized New Mii Fighter Costumes Coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

New Mii Fighter Costumes Coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

by Garrett Boyle

Along with the announcement of the final DLC character for the first Fighters Pass, the fifth round of new Mii Fighter costumes was also revealed to be coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game for the Nintendo Switch. In all, there will be five new outfits available individually for download.

The first costume shown was of Altair, the protagonist of the first entry in the from the Assassin’s Creed franchise. This can be worn by the Mii Swordfighter.

Altair is a legendary assassin that triggered a war between the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar.

Second, a Rabbids hat was shown, and it can be used by any Mii Fighter; the character, of course, is from the Rabbids series, a spin-off of the Rayman franchise.

Rabbids are mischievious invade that also share a crossover with the Super Mario series called Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

The X costume from the Mega Man X series can be sported by the Mii Gunner.

X is a Maverick Hunter who battles against hostile Reploids in order to protect humanity.

MegaMan.EXE, another Gunner costume, is from the Mega  Man Battle Network games.

MegaMan.EXE is a NetNavi, an AI that battles enemy programs in the cyberspace.

Finally, Cuphead from the game of the same name was shown as another new costume for the Mii Gunner, and the outfit includes a track from Cuphead titled Floral Fury.

Cuphead shoots energy blasts from his fingertips as one with a cup for a head does.

The new Mii Fighter costumes will be available for download on January 28.


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